Thinking affects trading, though we usually are not aware of it. Traders focus on their emotions and try to bring them under control. There's no doubt that strong emotions like fear, greed anger and others can affect trading. Emotions are a frequent culprit. But so are our thoughts. We don't usually think much about our thinking, but traders would be wise to explore … [Read more...]
New Mindfulness & Trading Blog Series
Mindfulness is the most powerful mental ability (and technique) that I know. We are lucky to have such a tool. It is as valuable in daily life as it is in trading, perhaps more so. Everyone can benefit by being mindful. We'll be bringing more on mindfulness in the months ahead. In the meantime ... ... Here is a brief introduction to mindfulness -- a little about what … [Read more...]
Practice Trading
This is an article by my good friend, Kira Brecht on practicing your trading. She goes into deliberate practice--the type of practice method that brings about expertise and mastery in any field, including trading. It's a great article on the subject. It's also something we do every week in our Deep PRactice program. You can read Kira's article here: Have You Practiced Your … [Read more...]
Trading Psychology Potholes: Be Aware of the Bumps in the Road
Trading Psychology Potholes Trading presents a lot of psychological challenges. We easily fall into thinking traps and can be run rough-shod by our emotions. Developing awareness of the common trading psychology potholes helps every trader not only negotiate these challenges, but become better traders. Here are five trading psychology potholes and some guidance on how to … [Read more...]
How Traders Come Back Mentally Stronger After A Trading Loss
How Successful Traders Come Back Mentally Stronger After A Trading Loss A large trading loss can be devastating — not only financially, but emotionally As defeating as losses feel, how we react to loss that is more important than the loss itself. Inexperienced traders suffering a large loss can become hijacked by their emotions. Some may try to trade through the pain, … [Read more...]