Day Trading Volatility Day trading volatility can be daunting. While it has taken time for many to regain their equilibrium after the US presidential election, the day provides an excellent study in day trading volatility. Without question, the outcome of the US presidential election surprised everyone, including the markets. On election night, the S&P futures collapsed … [Read more...]
Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sale Continues
It's Black Friday & Cyber Monday Sale time and every year we offer the largest discount of the year on our video tutorials. The sale continues for the next few days. This year the discount is so great, you can see from the image that people from all over are ruching to take advantage of the sale :) We have nine courses on sale at 50% off Other courses are 40% … [Read more...]
Happy Thanksgiving
So, What Exactly Are We Thankful For? When pilgrims first came to the shore of what later became the United State of America in the early 1600s, they held a bold and radical vision. No one was to tell them how they might worship. No king, queen or government would dictate what god or what church would be worshiped. Church was to be separate from State. This was a bold … [Read more...]
Free Wyckoff Webinar: Tonight
Free Wyckoff Webinar: Tonight Monday November 21, at 8:00 PM (New York Time). Register Here Have you been disappointed in your trading indicators? Do they give you false signals? Is it hard to know when a signal will win or lose? Whether you are a swing, day, or position trader, Dr. Gary Dayton will show you how to truly understand the market by reading the market … [Read more...]
Free Wyckoff Method Webinars Saturday & Monday
Free Wyckoff Webinar: Saturday & Monday Saturday November 19, at 4:00 PM (New York Time), or Monday November 21, at 8:00 PM (New York Time). Register Here Have you been disappointed in your trading indicators? Do they give you false signals? Is it hard to know when a signal will win or lose? Whether you are a swing, day, or position trader, Dr. Gary … [Read more...]