Trading is 90% Mental. Get Going and Sharpen Your Mental Skills
A Free Educational Series
The Wall Street adage that trading is mostly a mental game is true. Give any two traders the exact same trading method and it will always be the one who possesses the requisite mental approach to trading that will not only succeed, but thrive.
Seven essential mental skills you need for successful trading are taught in Dr. Gary’s 7-Part Guide to Mental Trading Skills. Each skill is specific to trading. Traders who have been taught these skills have said learning them has made a difference in their trading.
Each day, you will find in your email in-box one crucial mental skill specific to trading. The skill is thoroughly described and clear guidelines are provided on how best to learn and use it. And the best part, it’s free!
All you need to do to start learning these essential mental skills is to sign up using the form on this page. Within moments, your email box will receive the first mental skill (Part 1). Then, every day for the next seven days, you will receive the next six skills, plus a bonus.
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So, go ahead and sign up below to get 7 weekly guides to mental trading skills. It’s easy, the content is terrific, and your email address is protected.
Start thriving!
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