Last week in Deep Practice one of the members made an insightful comment: “It’s truly amazing how the Wyckoff trading principles occur over and over again.” This is very true. It is why many traders are successful using this method. His comment got me thinking …
… I have to apologize for not keeping up the blog as I usually do. I would normally be discussing the highly tradeable Wyckoff principles as they emerge in the markets we follow. But as many readers know, I have been writing a book on trading psychology. This has been a very time-consuming task. Research and writing the book takes up most of my time, with little time left for other things, including the blog.
So I thought I might make it up to readers by taking time off from the book and holding two free webinars. The first will be a review of core Wyckoff principles that—as the Deep Practice member said, “… occur over and over again.” Then, a week later, we will have a follow up webinar. This will also be free. We’ll review market and see how those principles play out.
These two webinars will be a great review for those familiar with Wyckoff and for those who are not familiar with the principles we trade day in and day out, well, be prepared to have your eyes opened!
Free Webinar #1: Wyckoff Principles
Wednesday, Oct 2, 2013 at 7:00 PM EDT (New York time)
Free Webinar #2: Wyckoff Principles as they Occurred This Week
Saturday, Oct 12, at 4:00 PM EDT (New York time)
Please register for the free webinars. After registration, you will receive a link to the webinars. And yes, these will be recorded so you can watch them later if you can’t make the scheduled time. Just sign-up below. We look forward to seeing you!
Register Here: Two Free Wyckoff Webinars
Cannot register for 2nd Wychoff webinar on Oct 12th.
There is no need to register for the second one – you only need to register once and you will receive a link for both.
Hi, Tradingpsychologyedge!
Is registration required for webinar record watching?