Thanks for stopping by. We are in the process of replacing our old website with this new one. Not only does it have a better look, but we are dramatically improving its functionality. Also, we have a few new things on the site. Check out the Free Tools, Newsletter, the Next Event and my new book due to be published and on the bookshelves around Thanksgiving.
We are excited about the new site, but we know there are things on the site that are “in progress.” That means that some of the buttons may not be working (no matter how many times they are clicked), some of the links aren’t linking yet, and some of the content may not make much sense as it is being updated and in the process of being revised.
It is a lot of work to revamp the website, and we have been working on it all summer right into the fall. We still have a ways to go, but we think that we are almost there. So please be patient with us over the next week or two as we finalize the site. We have an excellent web master and an outstanding site designer (how do you like this design?) working on the back end and Helen and I are working on all the content and product changes. We’ll have it finished soon.
We don’t expect you will have any major difficulties accessing videos you bought or navigating around the site, but if you do please let us know. We will do our best to get it resolved as soon as we can. You can reach us best via the Contact Us page and by using the contact form provided (our email may be temporarily out as we transfer the site to a new hosting service).
In the meantime, let us know in the comments what you think of the new site. How do you like the design and how do you think it compares to the previous site?
Lars says
Congratulations with the coming new site! Both nice and pleasant looking 🙂