Deep Practice helps develop and hone your knowledge, skills, and abilities in chart reading and trade execution. What exactly is deep practice? It is the path followed by those who work to develop expertise and mastery in their field. Solid research of expert performance tells us that mastery in any field or endeavor is not based on genetics, family background, intelligence, … [Read more...]
Free Webinar Recording(s)
Most recent free webinar(s) conducted by Dr. Gary Sign up to get access to Dr. Gary's free webinar recordings where Dr. Gary teaches reading the markets by its own actions and also review current markets. … [Read more...]
Traders Performance Assessment
You Want to Be an Excellent Trader? Here's How A Free Educational Offer Pro athletes know that there is one sure-fire way to go from good to better and from better to great. It’s really no secret. They review their performance and look for ways to improve. After the game is over, you will see any serious athlete review the game video. They are assessing how they did, … [Read more...]
Dr. Gary’s 7-Part Guide to Mental Trading Skills
Trading is 90% Mental. Get Going and Sharpen Your Mental Skills A Free Educational Series The Wall Street adage that trading is mostly a mental game is true. Give any two traders the exact same trading method and it will always be the one who possesses the requisite mental approach to trading that will not only succeed, but thrive. Seven essential mental skills you … [Read more...]